峯尾 仁 [MINEO Hitoshi] | ||
職名 |
教授 | ![]() |
専門分野 |
栄養生理学、食品機能学 | |
学位 |
博士(農学) | |
主な担当科目 |
【学 部】 食品衛生学、食品衛生学実験、食品機能論、栄養科学英語、管理栄養士演習(分担)、総合栄養管理論(分担)、総合栄養管理論演習(分担) 【大学院】 健康栄養科学特論(分担)、食品衛生学特論、食品衛生学特論実験、食品機能学特論、プレゼンテーション技術演習(分担)、学術論文作成法、健康栄養科学特別総合実験・演習 |
所属 | 人間科学部 健康栄養学科 大学院 健康栄養科学研究科(併) |
大学院授業担当の有無 | 有 |
研究のキーワード | 細胞膜、リン脂質、カルボン酸 |
学内委員会、サークル顧問等 | – |
所属学会名・社会活動等 | 日本獣医学会評議委員、日本栄養食糧学会会員、日本消化吸収学会会員、日本食物繊維研究会会員、日本食品衛生学会会員 |
学生へのメッセージ | 大人たれ |
主な著書 ・論文等の名称 | 単著・共著の別 | 発行又は 発表の年月 |
発行所、発表雑誌等又は発表学会等の名称 |
著書・論文 | |||
Effect of benzoic acid and its chemical analogues on membrane resistance against osmotic pressure in isolated cattle erythrocytes: A comparative study with other animal species | 共著 | 2019年 | Jacobs Journal of Veterinary Science and Research 4: 049. |
Carboxylic acids with certain molecular structures decrease osmotic fragility against osmotic pressure in cattle erythrocytes in vitro: Appearance of a wedge-like effect similar to RBCs in other animal species | 共著 | 2019年 | Biochemistry & Pharmacology (Los Angel) 8: 264. |
Benzoic acid and its derivatives increase membrane resistance to osmotic pressure in isolated sheep erythrocytes | 共著 | 2018年 | Biochemistry & Pharmacology (Los Angel) 7: 260. |
Carboxylic acids with certain molecular structures strengthen the cell membrane against osmotic pressure in sheep erythrocytes in vitro | 共著 | 2018年 | Biochemistry & Pharmacology (Los Angel) 7: 252. |
Effects of carboxylic acids on osmotic resistance in rat and guinea pig red blood cells in vitro: Relationship between partition coefficient and changes in osmotic fragility. | 単著 | 2018年 | Biochemistry & Pharmacology (Los Angel) 7: 245. |
Relationship between partition coefficients of carboxylic acids and changes in osmotic resistance in rat erythrocytes in vitro. | 単著 | 2017年 | Biochemistry & Pharmacology (Los Angel) 6: 236. |
Effects of benzoic aid and its analogues on osmotic fragility in guinea pig erythrocytes in vitro. | 共著 | 2016年 | Journal of Membrane Science & Technology 6: 161. |
Monocarboxylic acids and dicarboxylic acids induce different responses in terms of osmotic fragility in rat and guinea pig erythrocytes in vitro. | 共著 | 2016年 | Journal of Membrane Science & Technology 6: 156. |
Dicarboxylic acids withlimited numbers of hydrocarbons stabilize cell membrane and increase osmotic resistance in rat erythrocytes. | 共著 | 2013年 | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Biomembrane 1828: 2379. |
Effect of the chemical specificity of benzoic acid and its analogs on osmotic fragility in erythrocytes of Sprague-Dawley rats in vitro | 共著 | 2013年 | European Journal of Pharmacology 702:142. |
Ingestion of potato starch containing esterified phosphorus increases alkaline phosphatase activity in the small intestine in rats. | 共著 | 2010年 | Nutrition Research 30: 341.. |
Ingestion of potato starch containing high levels of esterified phosphorus reduces calcium and magnesium absorption and their femoral retention in rats. | 共著 | 2009年 | Nutrition Research 29: 648. |
Feeding of potato starch containing high level of phosphorus increases maltase and sucrase activity only in duodenal segment of the small intestine in rats. | 共著 | 2008年 | Journal of Applied Glycoscience 55: 203. |
Thiazolidinediones exhibit different effects on preadipocytes isolated from rat mesenteric fat tissue and cell line 3T3-Lcells derived from mice. | 共著 | 2007年 | Cell Biology International 31: 703. |
Chemical specificity in short-chain fatty acids and their analogues in increasing osmotic fragility in rat erythrocytes in vitro. | 共著 | 2007年 | Bicochemica Biophysica Acta Biomembrane 1768: 1448. |
Ingestion of potato starch decreases chymotrypsin but does not affect trypsin, amylase or lipase activity in the pancreas in rats. | 共著 | 2006年 | Nutrition Research 27: 113 |
Newly developed primary culture of rat visceral adipocytes and their characteristics in vitro. | 共著 | 2006年 | Cell Biology International 30: 381. |
Two- weeks feeding of difructose anhydride III enhances calcium absorptive activity with epithelial cell proliferation in isolated rat cecal mucosa | 共著 | 2006年 | Nutrition 22: 312. |