
7/30(日)オープンキャンパス企画(1) ミニ講義紹介





今回、国際コミュニケーション学科では、目玉企画のひとつとして Joseph S. トマシーン先生によるミニ講義をお送りいたします。

Improving English Listening: Function Words and Weak Forms” というタイトルで、「英語リスニングのコツ」をみなさんに伝授する予定です。





At this Open Campus lesson, Joseph will teach students to improve their English listening skills. The focus of the lesson is on the so-called “weak form” of function words. Students will be introduced to the phonetics of English. In particular, students will learn about English prosody at the sentence level. Prosody means sound features that stretch beyond single words.


One key idea regarding English prosody is this: in each spoken sentence, some words are stressed and others are not. Typically, the function words (articles “a” or “the,” prepositions “in” “on” or “to,” etc.) are not stressed. When these words are not stressed, they transform into their “weak form.” However, many students are not familiar with these weak forms. Students often only learn the “strong” (stressed) forms.


A major problem for students of English is this: the weak (unstressed) forms of English functions words are much more common than the strong (stressed) forms! That means that many students of English are not prepared to hear the weak forms. This can cause further problems for listening comprehension. Of course, since weak forms are everywhere in spoken English, this is also a problem during listening tests.


During the Open Campus lesson, Joseph will provide students with basic information about the weak forms of English function words. He will also provide students with a chance to practice listening to these forms. The videos he will share were recorded in a real conversational situation and give students authentic examples to learn from.


Joseph S. Tomasine先生




英語の文を聞くとき、「強く読む語とそうでない語がある」ということを意識するのはとても重要。特に冠詞(a やthe)や前置詞(in, on, toなど)は「弱い形」で発音されますが、学校では「強く発音するときの形」しか習わないため、この「弱い形」を聞き取るのがどうしても不得意になってしまいます。


