国際学部には、2年生全員が夏に1か月の留学をするという「 短期語学研修」という科目があります。
これは外国語学習の「やる気」と「動機」を再確認し、 自身の現在の実力を測るとともに大学生活での「自らの学び」 をデザインする、という目的をもつとともに、
海外での生活を通じて「国際感覚」や「 異文化コミュニケーション力」を磨き、 将来の仕事への投資とするという意味をもっています。
国際学部がはじまって1年半、この夏、1期生がこの「 短期語学研修」にチャレンジします。
その説明会のようすを、 本学教員のトマシーン先生が記事にしてくれました。
During the lunch break on Tuesday, July 12th, 2nd-year students at the Faculty of International Studies gathered to prepare for their upcoming short-term study abroad in Australia.
Students listened as Professor Makoto Watanabe, Faculty Dean and Director of the International Exchange Center (IEC) explained about the program schedule and necessary preparations.
Mr. Watanabe was joined by Professor Peter Richardson, faculty in the Department of International Liberal Arts, who gave details on the homestay portion of the upcoming study abroad experience.
Mr. Richardson encouraged students to provide as many details as they could on the pre-homestay survey, so that their future host-families could get to know them ahead of time and prepare for their arrival.
Students were active during the presentation. One student asked whether requirements for entry to Australia might change suddenly, as a response to the ever-developing COVID-19 Pandemic.
“Yes, this is a possibility,” Mr. Watanabe explained, “Things could change next month, next week or even tomorrow. We will keep you posted in the event of any changes.”
The IEC appeared committed to keeping students informed and prepared for the upcoming trip. Some students were already taking an active stance toward their own preparation; one student from the Department of International Communication shared her experience filling out the pre-homestay survey. Many students listened and took notes during her talk, appearing eager to follow suit with their own preparations.
